Saturday, May 19, 2007

Ethan's First Haircut

Last night I did one of the scariest things I've had to do since becoming a parent. . . cut Ethan's hair. Whenever people meet Ethan they always comment on his hair and I didn't want to mess it up. However, I think much of the anxiety was caused by my denial that my little boy is growing up! I've been debating for weeks to go ahead and do it. I think what helped me decide to go ahead and do it was that I noticed a few of the longest hairs infront were almost down to his eyes when his hair was combed. With Kyle holding him I trimmed the front, back and around the ears. He was a bit wiggley, but it worked out pretty well. I didn't have the heart to cut anything off the top yet, especially that cowlick that almost always sticks up defying gravity and any type of gel we try to use to tame it. (Kyle and I joke that the secret to his super powers are in that tuft of hair--we are current fans of the show "Heroes"). Anyway, here is Ethan's before and after. They aren't too dramatic, but we think he looks a bit more like a little boy and less like a little baby.


Heather Taylor Photography said...

awwww... cute!! You did a great job!

Ryan and Michelle said...

Well at least if he's anything like his daddy he won't have to worry about shaving his face until he's 25.