Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

We had an enjoyable holiday weekend, though we mostly did a lot of yard work. We took advantage of the extra long weekend to finally work on fixing our leaky basement. Kyle is building a dry well to divert rain water from our basement. In the past when we get too much rain, the pipe coming off of our down spouts gets backed up and fills our stairwell with water and seeps in through the door (It has happened 3 or 4 times in the two years we've been here). We considered several options to fix the problem and feel confident that this will work best. Kyle may have gone a little overboard with the size of the gravel pit for the water to go, but he didn't want to take any chances of it being too small. He dug a whole in our yard with his shovel measuring approx. 4 ft x 4 ft x 6 ft deep. Then filled it with coarse gravel. Unfortunately the weight of the truck with the gravel made some awful ridges in our front lawn (the same spot that we put sod in last year).
Here is the trench he dug from the down spout out to the pit. Unfortunately, we weren't able to finish everything like we hoped due to the rain on Sunday making it too muddy to work yesterday. Though it was probably nice for Kyle to get a rest. His hands got pretty blistered from it.We did get to have a little fun this weekend. Our ward had a fun picnic on Saturday, and Scott and Heather blessed their baby Allie on Sunday. We had a great time seeing so much family and letting the kids play with their cousins and relatives. We took our camera, but unfortunately left the memory card at home, so we any pictures to share of that. Hopefully, though, you will enjoy the following pictures as much as we did.

Having great success with peas, we gave Brooklyn green beans for the first time this weekend. The following pictures speak for themselves. (Ethan would agree with Brooklyn on this one)


Justin and Kenzee said...

There must be something about green beans when they're mashed... Nolan didn't care for them either back then. Those pictures are so funny! That's quite a project you had over the weekend. I bet it will be a relief to have done next time we get a big rain storm.

Lacey said...

That's an impressive sized dry well! I hope that it takes care of all your flooding problems. I totally agree with Brooklyn on her food choices (yes to peas, no a green beans) although Ivy is exactly the opposite. Great pictures!

The Taylor LIfe said...

I love the pictures of Brooklyn eating here green beans, made me laugh. It was fun seeing you guys this weekend!

Justin said...

Wow...and I thought Kyle was exagerating about that hole he dug. That's awesome!

Ryan and Michelle said...

We love the 3rd pic of Brooklyn with her eyes closed and fists clenched. Good Stuff.