Sunday, May 17, 2009

Peas Please

Tonight Brooklyn graduated from baby cereal to her first Big Girl food...peas! As you can see from this picture, her first reaction was one of confusion......but she quickly decided she loved them and kept asking for more.
She ate until she couldn't eat any more.
After she was finished, she had to lick the spoon clean.

Ethan's been pretty funny lately too. He has been learning all kinds of new words and makes up a few as well. Here are some of the funny words he's been saying and things he's been doing lately:
  • When he wants to cuddle/snuggle with Mom or Dad, he says "tuggle with Mamma/Dadda."
  • Even though he loves Lightning McQueen, he still can't say his name. Instead he says "Fween." When we try to get him to say it right, he sometimes say "MaFween."
  • Today he started calling DVDs "DDEs."
  • Instead of "ABCs", he says "BECs"
  • He loves to count. The problem is, he knows the numbers but not the order. We often hear him muttering to himself "one, two, three, two, seven, two, six, nine..." and on and on.
  • He likes to share his food with his cars
  • Every night before bed he has to kiss his Cars book characters and say "bye" to each one.
  • He loves Thomas and Friends so much that the other day he wanted to change Brooklyn's name to Baby James (after one of the trains).
  • Today in nursery Ethan learned about sharing. The teachers gave each kid a toy car, and they were supposed to let the other kids play too. Ethan refused to give his up. The concept must have sunk in because later during Sacrament meeting he had fun sharing his animal crackers with the little girl sitting next to us. She said "Thank you" and Ethan proudly responded, "Thank me, Thank me!"


Justin and Kenzee said...

That's great that Brooklyn loves peas. Hopefully she'll always be a good eater for you!

Lacey said...

Ethan sounds like such a fun kid. I'm glad the Brooklyn enjoys peas so much. Ivy won't touch them. She's fine with green beans but hates the peas. Weird.

Amy and Micheal said...

At least he was leaning towards renaming Brooklyn James instead of those other kooky names like Skarloey and Rheneas. Where do they get some of those? Brooklyn looks so cute eating her peas. That is great that she likes them. I don't think Kai or Kennet would eat them. How sad, I can't even remember!

Kristina's life 1010 said...

I love your stories about the kids!! I miss them so much, and it's good to get the little details of their lives.

Lynne, not Kristina