Sunday, July 12, 2009

8 Months of Brooklyn

It's hard to believe that Brooklyn is eight months old today. It sure seems like she's growing up a lot faster than Ethan did when he was little. She's hit a few milestones that we haven't mentioned here on our blog yet. She's been 'scooting' all over the house for a while now and loves to practice pulling herself up on her hands and knees, although she hasn't quite learned how to crawl yet. She is also able to sit up from a laying position. She's also been able to hold herself in a standing position as long as she is supported for a few weeks now. She also has enough hair for a little pony tail on the top of her head. We need to take a picture of this.

Ethan has been as cute and silly as ever. Earlier this week Ethan and Jen were talking about growing up and marriage. Ethan said, "Grow up and be a daddy." She asked him who he would marry when he grows up. He exclaimed, "Marry Grandma Morrey!" We thought this was funny, but the best part came next. He then said, "Brooklyn grow up and be a mommy. . . . Brooklyn marry Loni!" Loni is our new sister-in-law. Oh boy! It is overwhelming to think of all the things we still have to teach him.

Jen has been having fun learning new things in Photoshop this week. The pictures below show some of the things she learned to do this week. Kyle hasn't done anything particularly fun this week. He's been working hard on the class he's taking this summer (only two more weeks until he's done, then there will be room for fun).

The other day we took the kids to the park near our house. It was Brooklyn's her first time down the slide (assisted, of course). As you can see, she really loves the swing.

Ethan had a good time swinging with his sister.
Rather than have Ethan push the stroller with Brooklyn in it all the way to the park, we let him ride his new bike (or, "bicycle" as he likes to call it). This ended up being a bad idea, since he is very slow on his bike, and insists he go the entire way "by self."

This last picture was one taken at John's Wedding in June. We liked how it turned out with the layer adjustments Jen made. (Ethan looked so cute in his little suit!!)


Lacey said...

What darling pictures! I agree, photoshop is such an amazing program, and it looks like you're enjoying it. Both Ethan and Brooklyn seem so much older every time you I check your blog. Can't wait to see a picture of Brooklyn's cute hair do. :)

Justin and Kenzee said...

I can't believe Brooklyn is 8 months either! What a cutie. Ethan and Nolan have the same bike! Good for you, Jen, for learning to do photoshop. That's awesome!