Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Miracle at the Morrey's

Praise the heavens! Last night Ethan wanted to eat lettuce and he liked it. He's so particutlar about what he puts in his mouth. The only fruits he will eat are bananas, raisins, and applesauce (if you can even consider those last two fruits) and the only veggies he would eat before last night were peas, corn, broccoli, and french fries (he won't even touch mashed potatoes)! There have been a few times I've caught him picking and tasting something from the garden, but he never will allow us to put the same item on his plate later. I think this is the beginning of something beautiful. Maybe tonight he'll let me put a carrot shred in his salad.

Yeah, I know it's kind of sad that this is what makes my day.

UPDATE: Alas, he refused the carrot shred.


Justin and Kenzee said...

The epitome of a mother's joy: their child eating something healthy. It's so true though! I feel such happiness and fulfillment when Nolan eats his veggies. Good luck adding the carrot shred! So funny.

Lacey said...

It's a big step in the right direction! Now on to bigger and better things for his taste buds... good luck with the carrot shred. :)

john and amber said...

Yea for Ethan! :) I love his story telling, and those pictures from Thanksgiving Point look like you had so much fun...what beautiful flowers! And, don't worry about the car seat switch with Brooklyn. It was taking Jaxon so long to reach 20 lbs, that we switched it around when he was about 17 months old, even though he was pounds away...and the doctor said that was the right thing to do at his 18 month check up!

Ryan and Michelle said...

Austin only ate lettuce from our garden (we had a small batch--so that means twice). Now he's discovered the wonderous world of ranch dressing. No vegetables now without it. Does that count as eating veggies?