Sunday, January 24, 2010


It seems like Brooklyn's preferred method of transportation has been walking ever since we posted the video of her walking last week. She's getting pretty good at it.

She's got her third tooth poking through and it looks like tooth number four could be here by the end of the week. All teeth so far are on the top, but the bottom gums look pretty swollen.

Her babbling has recently become full of more complex sounds and she seems to be trying to say more words like, cracker, cookie, candy, and diaper. She seemes to be better at communicating what she wants too. For example, last week Jen was cleaning the kitchen, and Brooklyn came to her walking out on her knees holding a diaper and saying "dae da" (her word for diaper). Jen checked her diaper, and sure enough she had a messy diaper. It seemed like she was asking her to change it. Ethan never cared about about his diaper being messy, ever. Clever girl.

Brooklyn's playing has really evolved as well. She is coloring as well as Ethan did at 24 months. She loves to play with Ethan's toys and drive the cars around the room making a car noise. She also likes to "fly" Ethan's Buzz Lightyear around while making the same car noise. So cute.

Today Kyle decided to copy another one of the YouTube video ideas that Ethan loves to watch. We got some of Ethan's Cars characters and did some stop action animation. Ethan LOVES to watch it. As soon as the video finishes, he begs "again!" Here is one of the movies we've done. You'll notice that these cars have been well-loved.

Tonight Ethan was playing with Brooklyn's shopping cart, and we asked him if we should get a play store with food that he and Brooklyn could use to prentend they were at buying things from the store. Ethan got really excited and starting filling up his shopping cart with random toys and assigning prices to them. "This track is $5.00. This tree is $3.00." We may have found a possible present for next Christmas. (We already have his birthday presents for him, which he sort of found yesterday. Oops!)

We just talked with Jen's parents, and our sister-in-law Christin may have just gone into labor as we speak (...or write...). Go Christin!

1 comment:

Lacey said...

I hope that Brooklyn isn't in too much pain with all those teeth coming in at once! She really does sound like such a clever girl. :) Your stop and go animation is too fun. :)