Sunday, April 11, 2010

Go Fly a Kite!

Friday afternoon was perfect for kite flying. We took the kids for their first time, though Brooklyn had more fun running around and playing with Ethan's soccer ball than with the kite. Ethan really enjoyed himself and did a great job with the kite (which he got for Easter).

"To infinity and beyond!"

Sometimes it seemed like he forgot what he was doing and he would just start walking with the kite trailing behind him. Silly boy!

After flying the kite, the kids had a blast playing on the playground in the distance.

Yesterday, we went to visit their cousins for Allie's first birthday. We had a great time visiting with family and playing outside. It was probably the nicest Saturday weather we've had so far this year.
Here are a few words/things Brooklyn has been saying recently:
  • box
  • roll
  • flower
  • cereal
  • more cereal
  • marshmallows
  • bird
  • bee
  • it's a bird
Brooklyn LOVES books, especially "We're going on a Bear Hunt." While Jen was busy doing something the other day, Brooklyn brought her the book to read. Jen asked Ethan if he wanted to read a book to Brooklyn and he was excited about the idea. It was amazing how well he remembered the words to the book. We asked Ethan to read it again to her the other day and got some of it on tape (sadly the tape ran out so we missed the best part, but we'll just have to try it again). We were surprised he remembered the words so well since we haven't had the book too long. It just melts our hearts to watch them have fun together.


The Taylor LIfe said...

It was wonderful seeing you guys this weekend,a and thank you for letting us borrow the bumbo. I love the video of Ethan reading the book to Brooklyn, he is so funny.

Tracy said...

Cute pics! Looks like fun!

Justin and Kenzee said...

I've sort of forgotten about the joy of kite flying. Thanks for the reminder... cute pics!

Mike, Heidi, and Matthew said...

Ethan is talking so much more. I love hearing him talk. It is amazing how much he remembers of that book. I loved watching the video of the two of them. How sweet!