Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Big Boy Haircut

The time that we all feared has finally come. We broke down last weekend and took Ethan to get his hair cut. We've done a little bit of trimming in the past, but he really needed a thorough one. Over the last few months, Ethan has been losing much of his long brown hair on the sides of his head, and the baby comb-over just wasn't going to cut it any longer. The sides now have short blonde hair that has replaced it.

Here is his before picture. His bangs were really getting into his eyes. Now that we've gotten used to his short 'do, it is hard to believe that it was ever this long.

The hairdresser first wet his hair.

Although he was really good, despite a bit of squirming, we managed to capture his true feelings about the new experience.

Here, Ethan looks like he's had enough of this and is ready to make a break for it.

All finished, whew!!

Ethan (5 months) and Jackson (9 months) had fun playing together this weekend.

Here, Ethan is showing a little compassion while Jackson is sad. No, this isn't a picture of Ethan hitting Jackson.

Ethan also had a good time playing with bubbles for the first time at Grandma Taylor's. (We also learned that if Ethan's hair isn't combed now it looks like he has a mohawk. Ethan's uncle thinks he looks like Mr T--"I pitty the foo'!")

1 comment:

Heather Taylor Photography said...

Wow, they sure cut a lot of hair off him! And I don't know.... sure looks to me that Ethan was trying to take Jackson down!! ;) The bubble shots are fun, too.