Sunday, January 6, 2008

Tornado at the Morrey's

Ethan has discovered how to get into the kitchen drawers and cupboards, and it's quickly becoming one of his favorite things to do.
Ethan's uncle Michael (Morrey) had a shirt that he never got to wear when he was a baby. Grandma Morrey held on to it for 21 years and gave it to Ethan when he was born. Ethan finally got big enough and wore it today for the first time. Classic 80's. You can also see his newest haircut.
Ethan got this toy for Christmas, and he loves to push it all over the house. Sometimes it gets turned sideways and won't roll, and Ethan gets frustrated. Funny stuff. We're just glad that he is enjoying his toys.

In other news, we had a pretty bad wind storm on Friday that took a few (more) shingles off of the roof, but nothing that will be too hard to fix. There were reports on the news that Tooele had 100 mph wind gusts and parts of the city were out of power for a while, but we didn't get it that bad. Everyone's OK. We didn't get much snow out of it either--only about 1/2 in.

1 comment:

Ryan and Michelle said...

When I saw the title "tornado" I got concerned about your house! My grandparents in Stansbury got some wind the other day that took shingles off! So I'm relieved to hear that your tornado is just dumping drawers and chewing on kitchen gadgets :)