Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Fallen Hero

I learned the heartbreaking news yesterday that the husband of one of my best friends died in Iraq on Monday. Here is an article from the Deseret News about the tragedy. Be sure to check out the pictures of the family on the right side of the page. (The paper got the names of their boys mixed up. Kai is the 6 year old.)

Here is a link to a KSL channel 5 story from last night.

I've been heartbroken and upset about it since I found out and wanted to pay tribute to him for his sacrifice and extend my love to his family, especially my dear friend Amy and sweet children Kai and Kennett. It couldn't have happened to a more loving, wonderful family. Thank you all for your sacrifice for all of us. Micheal is a hero, no doubt about it.

When Kyle and I were first married we went on our first spring break together to Vegas and stayed with Amy and Micheal (Micheal began his teaching career there). It was while staying with this wonderful family that we felt inspired to start a family of our own.

Thank you so much for your wonderful example. I know that we will see Micheal again. If you need anything, Amy we are here for you!


Lacey said...

I was so shocked when I saw his picture on the channel 5 news last night, and the following interview with Amy. I'm so floored that she would be willing to do an interview so soon, and she handled it so incredibly. You can tell that she fully believes in the cause that her husband died for. I can't even imagine what she must be going through right now. Our prayers are with their family.

The Over Family said...

Thanks for this beautiful tribute. Like you, my heart is broken and aching for Amy and her boys. I can't stop crying about it and just wish that there was something that I could do for her. Michael was such a wonderful man. We can't thank him enough for his ultimate sacrifice, and for his family's sacrifice as well. I'm in awe at how strong Amy is through this all. Thanks again for the nice tribute...

Justin and Kenzee said...

That is such sad news. I hope your friend handles everything okay. Those boys are so darling. It's horrible that they won't have their daddy, but what an amazing sacrifice. I'm thankful for families like theirs.