Monday, April 13, 2009

Croupy Weekend

Thursday morning Ethan woke up with a runny nose. He has never been one to get very sick so we didn't let it change our plans on visiting family in Logan for the Easter weekend. Saturday morning he woke up with a cough. It got a bit worse throughout the day so we talked to a pharmacist about it. He suggested a few over-the-counter products and cautioned us to watch to make sure things didn't get much worse. Ethan seemed to be doing great until bedtime. He woke up around midnight struggling to breathe a bit. We tried to put him in the bathroom while it was hot and steamy, but he was tired and upset. We took him outside to breathe the night air, but it just wasn't that cool or helpful. We ended up taking him to the ER since nothing seemed to be helping. After we got there the nurse noticed his nose was turning a bit blue. They gave him a steroid that calms the swelling in his throat for a few days and had him breathe a saline mist. On our way home we stopped at Walmart to get a few things they thought might help--some children's ibuprofen and Tylenol, and a cool mist humidifier (it seems like whenever we are away from home we always end up buying another bottle of medicine we already have at home). We already had a humidifier at home, but this one is better than the one we already have. Anyway, Ethan seems to be doing much better, though the doctor said that croup usually takes 5-7 days to run its course, with day 3 usually being the worst. Today is day three, and so far so good. Brooklyn seems to have a little cold too, but seems to be fine.

We did have a pretty good time before all the trouble began though. On Friday afternoon, we went to Willow Park with Grandma and Grandpa Morrey. Ethan loved pushing around the stroller and playing on the playground there. Brooklyn loved looking around at everything and being outside. The weather was perfect too.

On Saturday morning we went to the Mendon Easter egg hunt with Grandma and Grandpa Taylor. Despite our efforts to teach Ethan how to pick up eggs and put them in the basket before the Easter Egg Hunt, he still refused to cooperate. All he wanted to do was run around and play. He didn't really care about the eggs until . . .
. . . he discovered they were filled with candy. (Sadly, the Easter Bunny didn't take into consideration that two-year-olds would be receiving the candy--Jaw-breakers and bubble gum aren't very suitable for kids Ethan's age. Oh well. At least there was one piece of chocolate for Ethan to enjoy.Brooklyn seemed to enjoy herself during the hunt as well.
Lately Ethan has been a silly boy turning everything into a "hat." He will stick his ducky on his head and say "ducky hat," or a big box and say "box hat." This soccer net was his hat on Saturday.
After the egg hunt, we stopped by Great Grandpa Taylor's house and let Ethan sit on one of the tractors. He was in heaven!
Saturday afternoon, Kyle, Jen, and Brooklyn went to visit Rob and Christin (Jen's brother and S.I.L) while Ethan stayed with Grandpa Morrey since he wasn't feeling the best. We got home to Grandma's house and to our surprise, Ethan had gotten into a little mischief when...
...he discovered Grandma Morrey's lipstick! It took several head washings to get it out of is hair.

All in all we had a pretty fun weekend, though Easter Sunday was a bit ruined by the ER visit. We didn't get home until about 3 am. Ethan and Kyle slept until noon. I wish I could have but Brooklyn wouldn't let me. It just didn't seem like Easter without going to church. It isn't fun being sick, but even worse when your babies are sick.

In other news, Ethan and Brooklyn have a new cousin (their first girl cousin). Congrats to Heather for giving birth to Allie Nicole Taylor on April 9th. She is adorable and we look forward to meeting her when we are all over these colds.


Amy and Micheal said...

Sorry that Ethan was so sick. Kennet had croup once...I felt so bad for the poor little guy. I'm glad that you guys were able to spend some time with family over the Easter weekend. And congrats to Scott and Heather on their new baby girl! How fun!

Justin and Kenzee said...

What a bummer for Easter weekend. I hope Ethan is continuing to feel better. I thought Nolan was coming down with croup two weeks ago so we went for an early morning walk and did the steam shower thing. It either worked or he never had it to begin with. It turned into a mild cough is all. I love Ethan's soccer net hat. What a cutie! Hey, have you guys ever been to Ryan's Place park in Logan (actually River Heights, I think)? If you haven't, it's the best park ever!

Ryan and Michelle said...

That doesn't sound like fun at all, the ER trip I mean. I'm glad he is doing better now.
Willow Park is a very fun place... were the peacocks running around?

Heather Taylor Photography said...

Awww, sorry about the ER trip! Poor kid. Glad that you guys had a fairly good weekend though!

The Over Family said...

That's too bad about Ethan's illness! We spent Christmas in the urgent care with sure does put a damper on the holiday a bit! :) I'm glad that you had a lot of fun on Friday and Saturday though...