Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July Weekend

We went up to Logan again for the weekend to spend time with the Morrey family for the 4th of July holiday. The Morrey's have a party each July 3rd to celebrate Kyle's grandma's birthday and to see the Logan fireworks. We had a great time visiting with everyone.

We took the kids on Saturday to feed the ducks at First Dam and to play Pooh Sticks. Ethan thought it was fun to jump on his uncle John's tummy.
We didn't know how Ethan would react to the fireworks this year. Last year he seemed a little frightened, but still watched them. We tried to prepare him days in advance to get him used to the idea that we were going to go see fireworks. Kyle showed him footage of them on youtube and everything. Sometimes he liked the idea, but usually when we'd bring it up he didn't want to see fireworks. We thought that since Grandma was going to be there he would want to be there too.

He was pretty tired, being that it was way past his bedtime. Here he is waiting for the show to start.
Before the show started, Kyle asked him if he wanted to watch the fireworks or go to sleep. He said he wanted to sleep. He was faking being asleep in this picture.

During the fireworks he refused to take the blanket off and cried if we tried to show him any of the fireworks. He said repeatedly said things like, "all done," "want to go home," and "watch something else."He eventually fell asleep. (In the meantime, Brooklyn loved the show.)
The next evening on our drive home we asked Ethan about his trip to Grandma's. He talked about playing Pooh Sticks, and going on a hike, and watching the fireworks. We asked him if he liked the fireworks, and said he enthusiastically said that he did.


Ryan and Michelle said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun on the 4th (even if Ethan fell asleep). Btw what is Pooh Sticks?

The Morreys said...

Pooh Sticks is a game where you throw sticks into the current over the side of a bridge and see whose stick floats to the other side first. It is from one of the Winnie the Pooh cartoons.

Justin and Kenzee said...

What a funny fireworks story! That's a great picture of Ethan waiting for the show to start.

john and amber said...

That's so funny! Glad you guys had a fun weekend in Logan.

Amy and Micheal said...

Kennet is the exact same way. How funny! I'm glad you guys had such a fun time! I love 4th of July fireworks!