Sunday, April 24, 2011

I'm not an Easter kid!

This morning, Jen welcomed the kids with a hearty "Happy Easter, kids!" Brooklyn responded, "I'm not an Easter kid! I'm Brooklyn!" Lately she hasn't liked us to call her anything except "Brooklyn." We'll say, "You're _________ (cute, sweet, silly, etc)," and she'll always correct us by saying, "No, I'm Brooklyn."

One of our favorite Easter traditions is making chocolate covered marshmallow eggs. This year, we also discovered how yummy it is to dip the marshmallow in toasted coconut and then dip it in chocolate.
This weekend, we took the kids to Discovery Gateway in Salt Lake. We took them two years ago, and they sure liked it more this time. Last time, Ethan got overwhelmed with all of the other kids and lay down on the floor, hoping no one would see him. This time the kids could have been there all day.

Ethan took Brooklyn and Mom on a drive to Grandma's house.

On the way to Grandma's house, the kids stopped at the grocery store.

This was taken as air was blowing in her face. Ethan loved sitting in the Life Flight helicopter on the roof.

Brooklyn had fun in the helicopter, but had as much fun crawling underneath.

They thought it was fun being on TV.

Yesterday was the Easter Egg hunt. The kids both did really well gathering up their eggs. We helped them get ready by practicing picking up eggs around the house all week long. They were really excited and had a great time (even though we didn't win any bikes this year - maybe next year).

This year was the first year we dyed Easter Eggs with the kids. They had a lot of fun.

Today at church, Ethan sang with the Primary in Sacrament meeting. He did a great job learning the song. It looked like he sang the first verse pretty well. As the song progressed, he must of started to get bored. He started making funny faces, then got tired of standing and knelt down, after which he sat down, and finally ended up in the "downward-facing dog" yoga position. His primary teacher was sitting behind us chuckling. We're already looking forward to his Mother's Day performance.

We had him reenact his positions tonight:

1 comment:

Justin and Kenzee said...

That's so funny that Ethan did that during the Primary's "performance." It's even funnier that he did the reenactment for you!