Monday, October 29, 2012


The other day, Kyle and Brooklyn were playing with the play kitchen.  Brooklyn handed Kyle a cup to drink.
K: "What's this?"
B: "Coffee!"
K: (thinking this would be a good teaching experience) "We don't drink coffee.  It's not good for you. Heavenly Father doesn't want us to drink coffee."
B: "I like coffee!"
K: "I don't want coffee.  Can you get me some hot chocolate?"
B: "Ok."
Goes over to the sink, pretend-fills up the cup.
B: "Here's some hot chocolate."
K: "Thank you. It's yummy."
B: "That wasn't hot chocolate!  That was coffee!"

Apparently, she learned about coffee from Lego City cartoons.

Tonight, while sitting on the potty:
"I have to go poop.  It's a hard poop.  But it's ok. My bum is strong.  My bum is strong like a house."

1 comment:

The Taylor LIfe said...

Haha, that is funny. I love the things kids say.