Sunday, September 9, 2007

More FOOD!!

We've been experimenting with all sorts of different foods lately. Here's a chart of what we've tried, with a ranking of how well Ethan has liked them (based on what we have observed after feeding him only a few times).
:-(     Squash
:-) Rice Cereal
:-) Oatmeal Cereal
:-) Peas
:-l Avacado
:-D Grass
:-D Paper
:-) Peach Juice (from Mommy's Peach)
:-( Tomato Juice (from Mommy's Tomato)

:-D Loves it!!
:-) Likes it!!
:-l I'm not sure about this...
:-( Doesn't Like it.
:-p Hates it!!

Here is Ethan trying one of his first bites of squash.

We were having trouble getting Ethan to eat all of these new foods, and then we realized that if we just let him hold the spoon while we guide it into his mouth, he is more than happy to eat. The only problem is that he hardly gets any food into his tummy.

You may have heard on the news that Stansbury Park got hit pretty bad by a storm that rolled through Northern Utah last week (we heard reports that people in New Mexico were calling up friends up here to make sure they were OK). As seen in these pictures, we had some damage to some of our property. We lost a few trees, a section of fence, and some shingles from our roof. No one was hurt though.

Kyle was out working on our "new" truck when the storm hit, and we decided it would be best to move it into the garage to keep it safe. We soon discovered that it BARELY fits in the garage. (Forgive the crude picture...It is four pictures spliced together with photoshop, and Kyle doesn't feel like spending any extra time making it look pretty. It's just here to show how tight things are.) There is less than an inch of clearance on both the front and back.

1 comment:

Lacey said...

The pictures of Ethan "eating" are adorable! With that much on him it really makes you wonder how much made it into him... ;) That must have been quite a storm to take out that much of your fence! So glad it wasn't more serious!