Sunday, September 23, 2007

Singin' n Clappin'

We didn't do so well teaching Ethan how to whistle this week, but we did get plenty of practice clapping, but he refused to show off for his Grandma and Grandpa Morrey when they came to help us fix our fence. So, we tried to capture the excitment.

Have you ever teased a cat with a laser pointer, and laugh as they chase the little red dot all over the place? Well, we found out that it works for babies too. In fact, he's so interested in it that we may have found the tool that teaches him how to crawl.
Today during sacrament meeting, Ethan wanted to join with the rest of the congregation in singing the hymns. It was really funny. Whenever everyone started singing, Ethan would start yelling full voice, and when the singing stopped, he stopped too. This looks like the beginning of a promising career either as an opera singer, or the lead singer of a boy band (he already knows half of the words to "Mmm Bop" by Hansen..."mmmmm" is his favorite word)

1 comment:

Heather Taylor Photography said...

ohhh, cute--- love his big grin and that's too funny about the laser!