Sunday, April 6, 2008

36 Trees Disappear

Rather than continue to cut down the annoying willow trees lining our yard ourselves and risking our own safety, we hired some licensed professionals do the job for us. It took two guys guys with chainsaws and a cherry picker and Kyle running the chipper nearly 8 hours on Wednesday. Below you can see the before and after pics.

Jen's uncle Mike came on Saturday to haul away most of the wood. We figured that if we only count the wood from the trees cut this week, and not the truck loads from the fall, we had about 8 truckloads. Mike took about 7 of them. We also have about 5 or 6 loads of wood chips left over to use in our yard.

The day after the trees were cut down, Kyle went out to uncover the compost pile we've been working on for the last few months. When Ethan saw that his daddy was playing in the wood chips, he just had to come over and play too.

About an hour after finishing his day working in the yard, Kyle volunteered to be a clown for Cub Scouts (which just ended up being a guy in a wig since the person who was supposed to bring the costume forgot to bring it). Some of you might not know that he is very talented at tying balloon animals. The kids and adults were very impressed. The favorite request of the night was a motorcycle. Kyle was very exhausted and a bit sunburned.
Now with our trees gone, we need to figure out how to deal with all our stumps. Renting a stump grinder runs over $250 a day and we estimate we would need about 3 days to do the job. Yuck!! We aren't sure what we are going to do yet, but we are so glad that we don't have to clean up after our trees anymore!!


Ryan and Michelle said...

I like how it's cloudy and dark in your before picture and sunny and bright in the after picture. Who knew removing trees would have such dramatic results. For the record Kyle has never needed a custome to be a clown.

Ryan and Michelle said...

custome is French for costume by the way :)

Justin and Kenzee said...

Your yard certainly does look great! Maybe you can plant bushes around the stumps to hide them! ;-)

The Taylor LIfe said...

Hey, what a difference, we had a free estimate on taking two of our trees out yesterday, and they will be taken out this week. I still can't believe their were 36 trees. Crazy, but looks good.