Sunday, April 13, 2008

Early Riser

Ethan has always been a really good sleeper. However, the other day he decided to wake up at 5:30 am. (Kyle didn't care because that is about when he gets up for work anyway.) We brought him into bed and let him play with Kyle's phone. For the first time he put it up to his face and pretended to talk. Whenever Jen would say "talk to grandma," Ethan would put the phone behind his head instead of up to his ear. It was hard to get a good picture or video but we managed to snap a few. Please forgive the lighting; again it was only 5:30 and our eyes weren't ready to turn on many lights.

Here is the video of that morning.

And here is a photo we just threw in for Ethan's grandmas.Ethan was really funny at church today. Some of you may have heard about Ethan's church girlfriend. He loves to be around her. Today during Sunday School she came over to visit him and he kept trying to impress her by giving her some of his toys. He tried several times to give her his ducky (which is his very favorite thing in the world). She just sat there and didn't take it and he suddenly out of the blue burst into tears. Rejected!! Its too bad that the heartache and disappointment is starting so early in his life! Poor kid!!


Justin and Kenzee said...

I hope the early mornings won't be a trend for you... at least he was doing something adorable! That's so funny that he was giving his girlfriend his ducky; I know how much he loves it!

Amy and Micheal said...

What a cutie! Tell him he can call me anytime again, even if it's early. I need to get up and exercise anyways. He'd be a great alarm clock!

Heather Taylor Photography said...

wow, he's getting so big!! That pic of him in the highchair is so cute!