Monday, March 9, 2009

Baby Giggles

Brooklyn has been such a cutie this week. I've been having so much fun dressing her up in new outfits she hasn't been able to fit in before, though it is hard to put away those that she has outgrown. She started laughing recently and it has been fun trying to make her laugh. She was laughing at me this morning in delight as I was changing her diaper and Ethan and I were singing "Five Little Monkey."

Here are a few pictures of her from the week. (Her hair is growing quite well, though she still looks really bald in these pics.)

Ethan had a great week playing with the train set he got for his birthday, but I have to admit Kyle and I have probably had about as much fun playing with it too.
One of Kyle and Ethan's favorite things to do is build "garages" for Ethan's cars out of blocks. I think they could do that for hours.
We haven't had the most exciting week, but it was a good one. Kyle had his big exam a little over a week ago and our level of stress has gone down dramatically. This week is Kyle's Spring Break and we are looking forward to getting to spend time with one another after work each day. We've recently had time to watch a few movies together, which we are lucky to have time for one a month. This weekend we saw the movie Australia and really liked it. It was much better than the last movie we saw, Mama Mia (If anyone liked that movie please explain). That's one of the biggest disappointments I've seen in a very long time. I'm sorry but I just couldn't get past Mr. Darcy (Colin Firth) being gay. The singing was pretty bad too. Australia, on the other hand, although very long, was much more enjoyable, and the little boy in it was cute. We would also recommend the movie Ghost Town, but beware if you have sensitive ears. The language gets bad at one part. Definitely a fun movie, but one that we would watch on Clearplay in the future.

Also, for anyone interested, I just started a food blog for favorite recipes. The chicken wrap recipe from Ethan's b-day party is on there, which I got a few requests for. I am planning on posting many of my favorite recipes on there to document them for myself and to share them with friends and family. Please give them a try and give me your feedback. You can find a link on my sidebar where it says "My Food Blog," or you can find it at


The Taylor LIfe said...

The train set looks like so much fun and Ethan looks like he is enjoying it. Brooklyn is cute, as usual and getting so big. I actually bought some uncooked tortillas today, so I will have to try the recipe out soon. I love your title for your cooking blog. We will have to come down soon and play!

Lacey said...

Brooklyn is growing up so fast! What a sweetheart. And Ethan's train set looks like loads of fun for the whole family. :) Thanks for the link to your food blog. I've added it to my list and will be sure to try out some of your recipes in the future.

Justin and Kenzee said...

I had to laugh at your review of Mamma Mia. It's not for everyone and I also was a little sad to see Mr. Darcy turn out to be gay. I just loved Meryl Streep in it though... I love those Abba songs, too. Anyway, I can't believe Brooklyn is getting so big. She has such a beautiful smile!

Mike, Heidi, and Matthew said...

I love your idea of a food blog. That is a great way of keeping track of your favorite recipes. I will have to check it out. Brooklyn is so sweet and getting way big. I love the train set. It looks like a lot of fun. I am glad you and Kyle are able to spend some time together. That is always nice.

The Over Family said...

Brooklyn is so cute! I love her smile! And Ethan's train set looks like so much fun! I'm excited to check out your food blog!

Heather Taylor Photography said...

Those are the first pics of Brooklyn where I've seen a small glimpse of Ethan in her. Glad she's able to wear that outfit now- it looks cute on her! The baby laughs are the absolute best, too. I bet that's so fun for you.