Sunday, September 27, 2009

Meltdown Madness

Ethan's stomach flu only lasted a day or so, then he was pretty much back to normal. Unfortunately, Jen caught the same thing a few days later and was up vomiting all Monday night/ Tuesday morning. It just doesn't seem fair moms get sick with all they have on their plates! It took a few days until she felt like she had much of an appetite again . . . not even ice cream sounded good for a few days.

Ethan has been very emotional for the last week. It has been so difficult to deal with. For example, today decided to save time to put Ethan's socks and shoes on in the car when we got to church since we were running late. Ethan was very upset that we disrupted the order of things and demanded that we return home to put his shoes on. He was wailing in the foyer of the church for about 15 minutes before we finally figured out how to calm him down. We hope this phase ends quickly.

Anyway, we managed to snap a few pictures of the kids this week.

Brooklyn loves Ethan's toothbrush. We think she is just envious that he has teeth.

The other day, Brooklyn saw some of Ethan's "big boy" underwear in the laundry basket. Ethan saw her reaching for a pair and threw himself into the laundry basket to prevent her from touching his property. I couldn't help but laugh and had to grab the camera.

We worked in the garden this weekend digging up some ugly shrubs and rose bushes we inherited with the house and replacing them with plants we like. While clearing out the area, we picked our pumpkins. This spring, we had numerous volunteer plants pop up in our compost heap. We saved a few to see what they might become. To our surprise one plant that we thought would be a squash turned out to be a pumpkin plant! Ethan is excited about them.

Ethan and Brooklyn helped dig in the dirt. Ethan thought it was funny to put dirt in his ears, head, tummy, etc. Brooklyn just wanted to eat it. She wasn't very happy when we would wash her off, move her from the dirt, or when it was time to come inside.


Jeremy & Amanda Butt said...

I feel for you with the tantrums, I am going through them right now, in fact I don't know how long they have been going on but it seems like you just can't do anything quickly with a 3 year old. They just have to do it their way, and as hard as I try to be prepared and leave early it seems like there is always tears, sometimes they are mine. Good luck when you figure it out let me know.

Justin and Kenzee said...

Your pumpkins are awesome! We lost our vine to squash bugs again... I'll never do any type of squash again. I sympathize with the fits. Nolan throws weird tantrums when he gets out of his routine too. It's so exhausting. I'm glad Jen is feeling better.

Lacey said...

You always have such fun pictures! I love Ethan so feircly protecting his property, and Brooklyn's muddy face. :) Your pumpkins look awesome! Very festive and perfect for the season.

john and amber said...

I love the picture of Brooklyn with the toothbrush...too cute! And what great pumpkins!

Ryan and Michelle said...

Glad everyone is feeling better (and that only 2 of you got it)!