Monday, October 12, 2009

Conference Weekend

We had a really fun conference weekend two weeks ago. We sent the kids to grandma's house for the weekend and Kyle and I went to Park City. This was our first time away from Brooklyn and it was fabulous!! We missed the kids (a little), but realized how important it is to have a break from them now and then. We are already sort of planning our next trip away from them (to celebrate Kyle's graduation)! The kids did really well. Ethan was so excited to go to grandmas that he didn't even care that we weren't going to be there. We met Kyle's mom in Bountiful for lunch before we left the kids with her. Ethan ate a little, but just wanted to get to grandma's house to play with her toys. He didn't even want to eat his ice cream before leaving. We called the next day to talk to the kids, but he didn't even want to talk to us. He was having so much fun playing with toys. Brooklyn, however, was excited to hear our voices. She had a harder time than Ethan without us at first, but did great.

We didn't take very many pictures, but here are a few (some are cell phone pics, hence the poor quality).
We spent some time at the Olympic Park. Who do you think has better form?

We spent Thursday and Friday in Park City, then joined our kids and family in Logan for the rest of the weekend. It was fun to spend Conference with so much family and we of course loved the messages shared.
Here is a little video of Ethan puddle jumping at Grandma Taylor's house between conference sessions on Sunday.


Ryan and Michelle said...

Hooray for getaways! How long does Kyle have left?

The Morreys said...

2 months!!