Sunday, January 3, 2010

It's Official!

The results are in and Kyle did pass all of his classes in and will be receiving a Masters of Science in Electrical Engineering (DSP and Communications emphasis) from Arizona State University. Thanks to a friend at work that graduated from the same school in the spring, we procured a set of robes and took some photos in celebration. It would have been nice to escape the cold and spend some time in Tempe, but this was fun too.

Kyle is now looking toward the future! (Yeah, we know this is corny.)

Brooklyn cooperated when we took pictures. Ethan did not. As a result, we got some good pictures of her and didn't much of him.

Grandma Taylor gave Brooklyn a shopping cart for Christmas, and we just got around to putting it together. Whenever Kyle gets his tools out, Ethan has to grab his Bob the Builder hat and tools and "help." It makes the job go a little slower, but it sure is fun.

Brooklyn even got a chance to play with the finished shopping cart before Ethan had what he called a "great idea" that she should share with him, and wouldn't let her play with it for the rest of the night.

Ethan has been practicing his coloring lately, and it has made church much more manageable. We print these Cars coloring pages off of the internet, and he colors them throughout Sacrament meeting. Here is some of his artwork from this afternoon. His coloring skills have improved a lot over the last few months. He always seems to color the cars the correct colors too.

And finally, here are a few thoughts from the mind of Ethan:

  • "I've got a great idea! Maybe I should share with Brooklyn." (This sounds good in theory, but has yet to really happen.)

  • "That would be so cool!"


Lacey said...

What fun graduations shots! Congrats again to Kyle on finally being finished with school... you've all earned a break! That shopping cart looks like loads of fun, and I love Ethan's Bob the Builder style of help. Fun stuff!

Tracy said...

Yay!!! COngrats! It's a great feeling to have your hubby finally done with school!

Ryan and Michelle said...

What good pictures! So glad that you were able to get some of Kyle in the robes even if it wasn't at the official ceremony. That shopping cart looks like a lot of fun, hopefully Brooklyn can enjoy it!
It was great to see you guys even for a short time!!

Heather Taylor Photography said...

Congrats, Kyle! What an accomplishment! Now can you finally get Netflix? ;)

Poor Brooklyn... hope she gets to play with her toy soon!

Jo Jo said...

Congratulations! I know how much hard work goes into earning a Master's degree. You have a lovly family and I wish you blessings this 2010!

Justin and Kenzee said...

Love Ethan's "great idea" of sharing the shopping cart. Pretty funny. I love it when Justin and Nolan build and put things together. It's the perfect Daddy time even if it does take longer and Justin usually loses a drill bit or two in the process.

Justin and Kenzee said...

Oh, and congrats Kyle!!! I love the picture of Jen looking over his shoulder.

Mike, Heidi, and Matthew said...

Congratulations Kyle! Now you guys get to spend more time together and as a family. How wonderful.

Amy and Micheal said...

Congratulations!! What a great accomplishment! It's nice to see all the hard work pay off. Jen, you are just beaming with pride, as well you should be! I love Brooklyn with her new shopping cart. Your kids are too cute!