Sunday, January 17, 2010

Two Little Monkeys

Lately, Ethan and Brooklyn have had a night-time ritual of listening to "Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" while jumping on Ethan's bed. They love it so much. As soon as Brooklyn hears the song turn on, she gets excited and heads for the bed. It's so fun to see them have so much fun together.

One of Ethan's favorite things to do is get on YouTube and watch what he calls "Cars Music." He'll watch all of the different Cars related clips, including clips from the movies, home-videos, and other kids naming their collection of cars. Lately, he has been lining up all of his cars and naming them, so we thought he'd love it if we recorded him. He had such a fun time doing this.

Brooklyn is getting a lot better at walking. Sometimes she'll walk all the way across the room. She seems to prefer to walk on her knees - we'll have to get that on video too.

Last night we decided to give the kids a special treat after dinner - ice cream cones! Although Brooklyn has had ice cream in the past, this was her first ice cream cone, and she absolutely loved it. It was fun to hear her smack her lips as she tried to suck the ice cream out of the cone.

In other news, it looks like Booklyn is about to pop out at least three more teeth. Poor girl.
Brooklyn's girlyness is starting to shine through as well. The other day Jen was putting on makeup, and Brooklyn was very interested in what she was doing. Jen gave her a makeup brush, and Brooklyn started touching her cheeks with it to make herself beautiful.

Ethan is starting to really enjoy being the mom around Brooklyn. Tonight she had chocolate all over her face after eating a cookie and Ethan went and grabbed a tissue and tried to wipe her face. He often gets involved when Jen tells Brooklyn not to do something - "No, Brooklyn." It makes her cry :(
One of Ethan's favorite things to do to help out around the house is to use the mini-vacuum to clean up the Cheerios and other crumbs off of the floor around Brooklyn's high chair (Brooklyn loves to throw her food lately). It's so great to have the kids start to clean up after themselves.
Jen has been exploring some new talents lately. She's learning to crochet, and is really liking it so far. She also finished some sewing projects lately. It is so great to have the kids at ages where they let her have a few minutes to herself throughout the day to do some crafty things. We'll get some pictures posted soon.
Kyle is enjoying having a little extra spare time now that he's done with school. He's been able to pick up a novel for fun for the first time in a long time.


The Taylor LIfe said...

I love the video of Ethan naming all his cars! I am glad you are liking crocheting, I really have enjoyed it myself and just made a hat for one of my beehive girls for her birthday yesterday. It turned out cute and she loved it. Ethan and Brooklyn are growing up so fast, we can't wait to see them again.

Justin and Kenzee said...

We love youtube because Nolan can watch all of the Disneyland rides. We've also been through stages of watching trains and construction sites. Cute video of the kids playing!

Lacey said...

So seriously cute! I know I say it a lot, but it seems like they're getting so big, so fast! They seem to be best friends, and so darling together. Yay for them being old enough to clean up after themselves... and each other. :)

john and amber said...

What cute ice cream cone pictures! I bet you both are so excited that Kyle is finished with school!!

Heather Taylor Photography said...

How fun... they're sure growing up fast!