Thursday, April 1, 2010


Ethan has said some of the funniest things lately, though we often forget them before we have a chance to write them down. Here are some recent favorites.

  • For FHE on Monday we talked about Easter. We asked him if he could say "ressurrected." He replied by saying, "No I can't. That's another language."

  • Whenever he sees me eating anything he likes he gets worried I'm going to finish it off so he gets concerned and says, "Don't eat too much of those or you'll get sick!" He keeps saying that until I stop eating them.

  • Yesterday, I asked him why the broom was in the bathroom. He said, "Because I was wiping the peep off."

  • "Happy means we should make cake."

  • "I like meatballs. It's kind of like a snowman with big and little and middle."

1 comment:

Heather Taylor Photography said...

how cute- I love the "different language" one!