Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Star Command

For the last few days Ethan has been pretending to be Woody. If we call him Ethan, he corrects us and says, "No, I'm Woody." He has been calling Kyle "Buzz", me "Jessie," and Brooklyn "Bo Peep."

Yesterday, while I was saying our lunch prayer, Ethan tried to interrupt when I talked about Daddy at work. When I was finished, he wanted to say his own prayer. It went something like this:

"Our Heavenly Father, we thank you for our blessings. We thank you for this food. Please bless this food. Please bless Buzz to have a good day at Star Command. In the name of Jesus Christ Amen."

He's has been dressing like Woody at all times and even insists he sleeps with his hat, vest, star, and boots on his feet. We love our boy!

1 comment:

Lacey said...

He just wanted to make sure that he dad was blessed properly. :) What a cutie!