Sunday, May 2, 2010

Secret Identities

Brooklyn is growing up so fast! She has recently started saying so many more words, including grandma and grandpa, nose, eyes, eye brow, ears, hair, etc. I made these korker bows for her this week. and she had fun modeling for me the other day. She is going to be 18 months old next week! We are so excited to send her off to nursery. We hope she transistions well to it. We think it is funny that when Ethan went to nursery, I was 6 1/2 months pregnant with Brooklyn. It will be nice to have more of a break at church this time around (that is if the kids cooperate).
Ethan has ceased to be "Ethan" this week. For a few days he insisted that his name was "Woody." Now and for the last few days he corrects us when we call him "Ethan" and says he is "Mr. Incredile." Kyle is "Dash," Brooklyn is "Violet," and I'm "Elasti-girl" or "Mrs. Incredible." If we make the mistake of using any of our real names he corrects us. I found a mask you could print out on the Disney website and he has insisted that he wear it all Friday and Saturday. Thankfully, he has a very vivid imagination - any shirt with red on it can be his Mr. Incredible shirt, and his blue jeans became "red pants" for his outfit. We went to Gardner Village and WinCo on Friday and he got lots of attention.
As you know, Mr. Incredible is very strong. Here's a video of him showing off his muscles!

We met Grandma Taylor and Emily and Daniel at Gardner Village where Grandma surprised him with a stick horse that she found at the DI. Miraculously he transformed back into Woody for an hour or so. He loves "Bullseye," his horse.
Once again he became "Mr. Incredible" and played the part while helping Mom and Dad work in the garden on Saturday. He was a bit disappointed that we didn't let him wear his mask to bed or to church today, but he has continued to play the part nonetheless.
Random tidbits:
We think it is funny that whenever Ethan sees the box of ice cream cones we often purchase from Walmart he looks at the back and says, "I want to watch that movie!"

Ethan doesn't like the idea that he was ever a "baby." According to him, when he was in diapers he was "still a big boy" and when he was in mom's tummy he was "a big boy." Brooklyn according to him is still a "baby" thought he admits that she is getting bigger.

This week our little boy learned how to "whistle" too. He copies Dad by putting his fingers in his mouth to make it very loud. Here's a video.


Justin and Kenzee said...

I can't believe you were that far along with Brooklyn when Ethan first went to nursery. I bet you're glad to be having a bit more of a break. So how do you like WinCo? I've heard some good things but I'm wondering if it's worth the trip.

Lacey said...

Your stories of Ethan and his vivid imagination just make me laugh. What a great kid! Brooklyn seems to have grown up so fast! Love the darling bows. Good luck with the nursery transition- I hope that it goes smoothly and that you get to enjoy a well deserved break! :)

Heather Taylor Photography said...

oh cute. they have such cute personalities!

Kate said...

Ha ha ha! Your kids are so funny. He's dedicated to that mask. And hooray for nursery!