Sunday, October 28, 2007

Wayne the Squash

Lots has happened in the last few weeks. Ethan started crawling. He threw Jen's comb in the toilet. We've done a lot of yard work, and had flooding in our basement again. All is well though. We have been having great weather and are still tending our garden. It hasn't frozen yet and we are still enjoying tomatoes. We planted squash in the spring, and had dreams of piles and piles of squash at harvest. Well, they flowered all summer, but never produced any squash until about the end of August. We're not sure why, but we think it might be due to our soil lacking something. Now the largest is a bit larger than a softball and we are determined to have one make it to maturity. I think Kyle has more faith than I do. We decided to name our squash Wayne.

Our little family went to the Thanksgiving Point corn maze and pumpkin festival yesterday. Jen won some free tickets to it. Unfortunately, we forgot our camera. It was a little chilly, but we had a good time. It would have been more fun for Ethan if he was a few years older because they had lots of fun games and activities for little kids. He did get to go down a big slide though while strapped to his daddy's chest.

For those of you still interested in seeing yet another picture of Ethan in his highchair, here you go. This is one of Ethan after he finished eating some bananas. I couldn't resist snapping a few pics of this one! (Yeah, we need to take some more creative shots! Good thing Halloween is coming.)

Ethan and his cousin Jackson had fun a few weekends ago at Grandma Taylor's playing with some giant foam letters.

1 comment:

Amy and Micheal said...

Oh my goodness Jen, I can't believe how fast Ethan is growing up!!! Seems like yesterday I was only at your baby shower. He sure is a cutie! Way cute picture of him and Jackson together!