Thursday, May 22, 2008

Lil' Gardener

Kyle and Jen (and Ethan) have been spending a lot of time in the yard lately trying to get our garden in. It has been a long process, but we are almost there. We are making raised beds for our garden since we didn't have a lot of success with our soil last year. Kyle has been doing a lot of digging trying to extend our sprinkler system to water our new beds.

Ethan has been our little helper in the garden. For a while now he has been interested in playing with our gardening gloves, but the other day he let us know that he wanted to try them on. He absolutely loved it. We just had to grab the camera. (Funny side note: he also has taken an interest in putting video tape boxes on his hands like gloves and running around the basement.)Jen learned that it isn't safe to leave the flour bucket open with Ethan around. She turned her back for just a second and he was there scooping flour out onto the floor. When she turned back in surprise, he understood that mama wasn't happy and he tried to clean up his mess by picking up the flour and putting it back. That is what he was trying to do here. You can tell he tried to eat some first.
Here are a few pictures from our recent visit to Cache Valley. We took Ethan to First Dam to feed the ducks. He was kind of interested in the ducks, but had more fun running around. When he was given bread crumbs to feed the ducks, he just put them in his mouth.

P.S. This week our new baby is this big:


The Over Family said...

How fun! I'm jealous that you get to plant your own garden! :) Although, it seems like a lot of work! Ethan is getting so big! He's such a cute little boy...he'll make a great big brother! :)

Amy and Micheal said...

What a great helper! I love the flour bucket incident! I can imagine his face when he got caught, it's a face we see a lot in our home. Our boys loved to pull the tape out of all the videos, so we just tossed them and bought the DVD versions. Good luck with your garden, I bet it will be fabulous (especially with the great help)!! He is so cute!

Lacey said...

Ethan seems to love being the big helper with everything -- what a kid! Good luck with the garden!