Sunday, May 25, 2008

Garage Sales Gone Wild

Stansbury Park made the news again! This time it wasn't for high winds, record snowfall, or last week's report on faulty concrete in the area (our driveway is fine). No, this time it involved high speed chases, grand theft auto, and the real crime - not covered by this story - was the old overpriced junk that people were trying to sell at their garage sales.

We like to check out the local garage sales on Saturday mornings. This week, while we were driving to the next bargain, we saw a police car speeding down the street toward us, and it turned right down our street! Curious. Hoping our house wasn't on fire, we decided to go home and make sure everything was all right. When we turned the corner to our street, the police car was right in front of our house, and the cop was running down the street (away from our house, thankfully). We then saw him rush back to his car, jump in, and speed around the corner. Ok, good. There was nothing wrong with our house. We continued on to the next garage sale, and ended up talking to a man who had his car carjacked while he putting up...Cue the ominous music...garage sale signs!

Anyway, to make a long story a little shorter, the whole thing ended with a two car crashes and two men in jail. The news report video can be seen on KSL here. (The bald guy being interviewed is in our ward). More information can be found at the Deseret News website.

And the creepy thing about it all? One of the men was caught just down the street from our house. The picture below was taken from our driveway after everything had been wrapped up. If you can't tell, at least three of those cars are police cars, and this picture was taken after almost everyone had left.

The biggest mistake these crooks made was turning in to Stansbury Park when they were being chased by the police. Those of you who have tried to find our house understand how easily one can get lost around here.
(sorry this picture is blurry. It was the best one we could get while hiding behind our truck in order to remain unnoticed.)

Oh yeah. Baby is this big now.


Heather Taylor Photography said...

ha! I saw that on the news and wondered if it happened close to you! Glad you're all okay! :)

Justin and Kenzee said...

Wow... we leave town and miss all the action! Sorry you didn't find any treasures at the garage sales.

Ryan and Michelle said...
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Ryan and Michelle said...
