Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mother's Day Surprise

We're expecting again!! We thought it would be fun to save the announcement for Mother's Day. Since Kyle's brother left on his mission shortly before Ethan was born, we thought it would be fun for him to break the news when he called home on Sunday. It was a fun surprise! His brother should be home a few days before the baby is born.

Jen's family was surprised at the news as well. It was nice that no one really noticed her growing belly, but it probably helps that we live 100 miles away and don't see each other as frequently as we used to.

Baby is due November 10 and is currently the size of a lemon (see picture below). We should find out in about a month whether it is a boy or a girl.

Jen has been feeling pretty good the last few weeks but has had strong cravings for bagels with cream cheese and cocoa puffs (not together. . .yet).

For those of you thinking, "What? Again?" (like Jen's sister's response when she heard the news) Ethan and Baby will be a little over 20 months apart and we always wanted to have our first two close. We are just grateful that Ethan will be in nursery by September. We couldn't be more excited and look forward to going through this process again knowing what we are in for (at least we hope we do).


The Over Family said...

Hooray!!! I am so excited for you guys! There is nothing more exciting than a new baby. I'm glad that you're not feeling too sick! Congratulations! I can't wait to find out what it is!

Lacey said...

Oh my word! Congratulations your guys! That's just awesome, and I'm way impressed that you were able to keep it secret for so long. I hope you keep feeling pretty good and that you give into those cravings -- you and the baby deserve it!

The Taylor LIfe said...

Jen and Kyle, we are really excited for you guys, our time will come soon enough. We love you and hope everything goes well. We will have to come down and visit more often.

Kristina said...

Congratulations, Jen and Kyle! That's so exciting and Ethan will have so much fun with a younger sibling.

Amy and Micheal said...

Yea!! How exciting that you are expecting another adorable bundle!! Kai and Kennet are 22 months apart, and we love it!! They are best buds. How nice that Ethan will be in nursery when the little one arrives. Congrats!!

And Jen, your hair is so cute! I love it!

Justin and Kenzee said...

Congrats, again! I'm glad you had a fun weekend announcing to your family. I love the picture, Jen!

Ryan and Michelle said...

Congratulations! Michelle's birthday is November 10 so that would be a good day to have the baby.